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Criminal Diversion Program

The Boone County Prosecutor’s Office knows that justice comes in many forms, and in particular cases our office will extend a Pretrial Diversion offer to a person accused of a crime. Pretrial Diversions allow prosecutors to hold an individual accountable without seeking a conviction.

If an offender qualifies for a Pretrial Diversion (certain crimes or offenses are not eligible), they will be required to complete specific conditions before the case is dismissed. The conditions may include education, drug screening, and statutory fines and court costs. If you have any questions, we strongly encourage you to consult an attorney.

When does the Pretrial Diversion start?

  • All parties sign the Pretrial Diversion
  • All fees and court costs are paid
  • If restitution is required, it must be paid in full prior to the start of Pretrial Diversion
  • Receipt of payment of fees and a fully signed Agreement must be given to the Diversion Coordinator for filing (that is when Pretrial Diversion starts – NOT when you sign in court)

When is the Pretrial Diversion dismissed?

  • The case will be dismissed when all the following are met:
    • All required conditions are complete
    • No new arrests, charges or convictions have occurred during the term of the agreement
    • The length of agreement has expired

What happens when I am done with my classes? Do I have to send the Diversion Coordinator something?

  • You can keep your certificate for your records
  • The Diversion Coordinator will get an email notification letting them know if you pass or fail

How will I know when my case is dismissed?

  • Visit, 72 hours after the end date of your Pretrial Diversion agreement, to confirm your case has been dismissed.


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