Assessor’s Office
NOTICE: Form 11 Notice of Assessment for the 2025 Assessment will be mailed April 28, 2025. The Deadline to file an appeal is June 16, 2025. Please note that the word improvements on the Form 11 is used as another word for structures.
NOTICE: Indiana law requires that overall property value assessments stay aligned with market values in the mandated annual trending process. While the volume and activity levels of Residential sales have been steadily declining, many selling prices (market value) still show steady increases. Every couple of years the State issues new cost tables of which must be used in the assessment process, and this was a year for new tables.
The State-set base rate assessment of agricultural land for 2025 is $2,390 per acre; a slight increase from last year’s $2,280 per acre.
These increases have a direct effect on the related property assessment.
The County Assessor is a statutory office created by the Indiana General Assembly and is elected every four years. The primary responsibilities of the county assessor are to determine the assessed value of property in the county and certify those values to the county auditor for the preparation of property tax statements. The assessor does not establish the tax rate, only the assessed value of property.
Please note that the Assessor’s office does not handle deductions of any kind. To discuss deductions such as; homestead, over 65, blind, heritage barn, geothermal, etc you need to contact the Auditor’s office.
Services & Resources
About Us
Indiana law provides taxpayers the ability to file an appeal with the county assessor to challenge the value(s) placed on their property.
In addition to the primary duties listed above, the assessor provides the following to the taxpayers of their community (Generally see IC 36-2-15, for all duties of the county assessors)
- identifies, calculates and lists the assessed value of all real and personal property for each parcel in the county;
- uses modern technology / tools and proven processes, to perform mass appraisal on real property and is responsible for the selection of those tools;
- provides assessment values to the taxpayers via a Form 11 once per year;
- performs annual trending, bringing assessed values in line with market values;
- oversees the General Reassessment process, which is completed on 25% of the county every year;
- serves as Member/Secretary of the County Property Tax Assessment Board of Appeals (PTABOA);
- insures countywide uniform Property Assessment Equalization;
- discovers and identifies omitted real and business personal property;
- calculates the assessed value of all real property in each taxing district;
- verifies and reviews the self-reported values of all business personal property in each taxing district;
- calculates the total assessed value of each taxing district;
- follows state statue to certify current assessments to the County Auditor’s office;
- utilizes recent sales of land (Sales Disclosures) to establish base market rates and values in each neighborhood, adjusts base values for location, nearness to amenities and other influence factors; and
- works closely with the Department of Local Government Finance, which adopts the rules for assessing of property in Indiana.
The Boone County Assessor is located on the first floor in the southwest corner of the Boone County Courthouse. Primary questions regarding real property assessments, appeal information, sales disclosures and re-assessment can be directed to this office.
The Boone County business personal property and mobile home assessments are conducted on the 3rd floor of Boone County’s facility located at 127 W Main Street, Suite 308, Lebanon Indiana.
FAQs – Frequently Asked Questions
What if I'm making changes to my property?
If a building permit was issued, we will be notified by the planning agency. If, however, improvements or modifications are made to property that cost more than $500 and a permit was not required, you need to notify the assessor’s office. If something has been demolished, you need to file a Destroyed or Removed Property Form #135 in the assessor’s office.
How is the amount of tax I owe derived?
Your net assessed value is multiplied by the tax rate. The tax rate is the total rate of the combined taxing units (County, Township, City or Town, Library, etc.) within each taxing district. The tax rate is expressed in dollars per hundred dollar of assessed value.
How will I know if my assessed value is correct?
The assessed value should reflect the amount a willing buyer would pay for the property at the time of the assessment. When a property owner receives notice of new assessment, the best way to determine if it is accurate is to ask if the property could have sold for approximately that amount during the valuation time period. For 2017 pay 2018 property taxes, the assessment date was January 1, 2017. Sales from 2016 were used to determine this assessed value. A correct assessed value should reflect the amount a willing buyer would pay for the property during 2016. Review the information provided on the Property Record Card (PRC) (add link to GIS PRC). The form not only shows the assessed value, but also the information used to arrive at the assessed value. You are encouraged to carefully check the following for accuracy:
- Year of construction
- Number of stories
- Exterior construction (brick, frame, block, etc.)
- Square footage (calculated from outside measurements)
- Number of extra plumbing fixtures (refers to the number of fixtures in excess of one full bath – 3 fixtures, kitchen sink and hot water heater per living unit)
- Other assessable features (including but not limited to: extra living units, basement recreation rooms, hot tubs, central air conditioning, fireplaces, finished attics and basements, open and enclosed porches, etc.)
Any objective errors can be corrected by filing the county’s version of Form 133, Petition for Correction of Error, anytime during the tax year. Objective errors can be corrected by filing for up to 3 prior years. Subjective errors can only be corrected through the appeal process.
What are Sales Disclosures and how are they used?
The intent of the sales disclosure is to provide a base of information that will be utilized by both the State and County to identify the sale price of each property. Sales disclosures were classified as “public information” beginning January 2000.
What constitutes True Tax Value?
True Tax Value is the sum of the land value and the depreciated value of improvements. Land is valued at its estimated market value based upon the sales of comparable properties in the immediate area. Improvements are anything that has been constructed on the land; including houses, barns, garages, swimming pools, decks, patios, utility sheds, tennis courts, gazebos, carports, etc.
Where and when do I file my mortgage and homestead exemption?
Mortgage and homestead exemptions are filed with the County Auditor. They can be reached at (765) 482-2940.
Where and when do I file a tax return on my business personal property?
Filing of Forms 102 or 103 and 104 are required by May 15th of each year and are filed with the personal property office at 127 W. Main Street, Suite 308 Lebanon. Telephone 765-483-4400. Online Forms
Are churches and not-for-profit organizations required to file a return for personal property?
Yes. The same May 15th deadline applies.
How much do I owe in property taxes?
All inquiries relating to taxes due should be directed to the Treasurer’s office at 765-482-2880.
When do I need a Power of Attorney?
When anyone besides the owner of the property is filing an appeal.
Do I have to file Boone County Inheritance Tax?
County Inheritance Tax was repealed Jan 1, 2013 and only needs to be filed if the person passed away on or before Dec 31, 2012.
Our Office Hours
Mon-Fri 8am-4pm
Boone County Courthouse
115 Courthouse Square
Lebanon, IN 46052
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