Assessor’s Office

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Statewide Cyclical Reassessment

The Indiana General Assembly passed the “Statewide Cyclical Reassessment” act in 2014 requiring County Assessors to physically inspect and re-assess 25% of all properties in the county once every four years to gather data relating to additions, deletions and / or changes to any buildings or fixtures, including outbuildings, barns, pools, etc. located on the property.

The last 4-year cycle concluded 12/31/2021

Please see the chart below for the next 4-year re-assessment cycle.

Phase Ending Date Effective for Taxes
Phase I 12-31-2022 2023 pay 2024
Phase II 12-31-2023 2024 pay 2025
Phase III 12-31-2024 2025 pay 2026
Phase IV 12-31-2025 2026 pay 2027

The General Assembly believes the cyclical reassessment process will lead to more accurate and consistent property assessments for all property owners in Indiana.

Please contact the assessor’s office to find out which phase (year of re-assessment) your parcel lies within and when you can expect a visit from a field technician.

The assessor’s office contracts the cyclical reassessment work out and has personnel in the field collecting data on all properties. For identification, each field technician wears an ID badge issued by the county, a colored vest, and has signs on their vehicles that say;





Our field personnel should always come to the door, introduce themselves, explain the need for the visit and request permission to walk around on the property.  If no one is home, the personnel will do their work while there and  if additional information is needed a door hanger will be left requesting the information needed.  The field personnel should never request entry into your home or ask for interior access to any building or structure.  They will, however, need to take pictures of the property.

Cliff Hardy, Dylan Wilson, Clarence Grant, Jan Stroud, Vicki Homrig and Ralph Koopman


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Our Office Hours

Mon-Fri  8am-4pm


Boone County Courthouse

115 Courthouse Square

Lebanon, IN 46052


Jennifer Lasley

County Assessor

Level III Assessor/Appraiser


Phone: 765-482-0140

Fax: 765-483-5239

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