Health Department


Immunizations are the single most important way parents can protect their children against serious diseases. There are no effective alternatives to immunizations for protection.

Immunizations are one of the greatest medical success stories in human history, and have saved millions of lives.  Prior to immunizations, hundreds of thousands of children were infected and thousands died each year in the United States.

The Boone County Health Department offers adult and pediatric immunization through appointment.  We accept credit card, check(no out of state checks), money order, cash, and are also able to bill most insurance companies.

We participate in the Vaccine for Children (VFC) Program and the Adult Program (317) offered through the Indiana State Department of Health for those children and adults who do not have insurance or are currently enrolled in Medicaid.

Immunization Clinic:  Tuesdays 8:00 A.M – 4:00 P.M.

Late Night Immunization Clinic: First Tuesday of the month 12:00 P.M. – 7:00 P.M.

To schedule an appointment or for more information, please call 765-482-3942 option 3.

Please bring a current immunization record to the appointment.

For more information about vaccine schedules and specific vaccines, please visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 

FAQs – Frequently Asked Questions

Are immunizations safe?

Immunizations are extremely safe and getting safer and more effective all the time, thanks to medical research and public health officials. Immunizations are given to keep people healthy, and are held to the highest safety standards. This does not mean that vaccines are risk-free. All vaccines may have possible side effects.  Most of the side effects are mild, such as redness or soreness around the injection site, or a low-grade fever. For more information on possible side effects of specific vaccines, please visit:

According to Paul Offit, MD, Director of the Vaccine Educations Center at Children’s Hospital in Philadelphia: “…choosing to avoid vaccines is simply a choice to take a different risk. Unvaccinated children are at risk for many diseases including meningitis caused by Hib, bloodstream infections caused by pneumococcus, pneumonia caused by measles, deafness caused by mumps, and liver cancer caused by Hepatitis B virus. When you compare the risk of vaccines and the risk of diseases, vaccines are the safer choice.”

Do I need immunizations if I am traveling?

Depending on your travel destination, immunizations may be required. For a detailed list of what is required by other countries, please visit: 

 CDC travel website.

Can I still have immunizations if I am pregnant?

Some vaccinations are safe when you are pregnant, while others are not.  For guidelines and recommendations on immunizations during pregnancy, please visit:

Always check with your medical provider before you have any immunizations.

Services & Resources

Our Office Hours

Mon-Fri  8am-4pm


Boone County Office Building

116 W. Washington St., Suite B202

Lebanon, IN 46052


Lisa Younts, RN


Nursing & Vital Records Director

Phone: 765-482-3942

Fax: 765-483-4450

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